Who We Are

At UPS we enable the digital transformation of cities within the Utility infrastructure, revolutionizing the way cities operate and leverage technology. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive services and cutting-edge technological solutions that empower utilities and related stakeholders to optimize their processes, enhance operational efficiency towards sustainable development and green environment through our expertise and innovation. We aim to be the preferred partner for our customers, enabling sustainable and resilient operations that meets the evolving needs of communities and ensure the responsible stewardship of our resources.
Our vision
We strive to be at the forefront of digital city creation, enabling our clients to make informed capital acquisition & operational decisions, optimize resources, and create sustainable and livable environments.
Our Mission
We provide our clients with digital solutions and virtual representations of the cities’ utility infrastructure, revolutionizing the way they capture, analyze and utilize data throughout the project and asset lifecycle to achieve their ultimate results.
IWA Member
In order for UPS Ltd; to be an added value for the market, working parallel with the latest global innovations embracing new technologies was as an obligation to meet our customers’ expectations. For this particular reason UPS Ltd; decided to be a part of the International Water Association “IWA” hub were they bring professionals of the highest caliber from the water cycle industry together. A hub dedicated to sharing knowledge, experience and know- how about the most pressing water challenges, innovative solutions and many other added values as Pioneering Science, Innovating Technology and Leading Practice … etc

Our Partners


Arab-european pipe center 2013
Event Arab-european pipe center 2013
Big 5 2023
Event Big 5 2023
Giza Hach training 2019
Event Giza Hach training 2019
GSSI Seminar
Event GSSI Seminar
Cairo water week 2018
Event Cairo water week 2018
Waterina 2012
Event Waterina 2012